Very Good Girls

Very Good Girls is the first feature directed by American screenwriter Naomi Foner, whose script for drama Running on Empty was Oscarnominated. First screened publicly in early 2013, the comingofage drama stars Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen as two friends who fall for the same man Boyd Holbrook. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on January 22, 2013 it was given release on home formats on June 24, 2014.

Best friends Lily Fanning and Gerri Olsen, home for one last New York summer, make a pact to lose their virginity before leaving for college. But when they both fall for the same handsome artist Holbrook and Lily starts seeing him in secret, a lifelong friendship is tested.The film deals with female sexuality and friendship in a way we havent seen before. These girls will be stunning young women in a couple of years, but theyve struggled through high school with only each other. Most of us have been there. This is the summer where they finally get to touch real life. ........

Source: Wikipedia